I have a blog?

I went to comment on a friends blog and realized that I have an account!

The name and purpose still work for me. I’m still gigging and spent today at the local nursery seeing what fruit trees they have and discussing what the LSU Ag extension recommends for my area. We had a bad drought last summer so many of my fruit plants died.  My blackberries seem to have survived but my blueberries weren’t as lucky.  I’ll be adding more blackberry bushes and blueberries in addition to fig and pear trees.

I’m ready to start gardening again. 2018 was kind of a lost year for me. Lots of illness in the family meant that I wound up taking care of others and failed to take care of myself. I haven’t been knitting or reading much.

2019 is my year to reconnect with myself and God. I’ve already started socializing more. Let me tell you… that has been hard. So more socializing, more gardening, and maybe, just maybe I’ll actually start blogging on a consistent basis. Or at least more often than every 5 years.


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